911 Dialing Notice and Terms of Service

Complete Interactive Technologies (CIT), Inc. E911 Dialing is different than traditional 911 service and we would like to make sure that you have a clear understanding about our 911 Dialing. Also, due to a recent FCC ruling, you must acknowledge that you understand how our 911 Dialing works. Setting up your 911 Dialing is still the same, simply fill out a short form in the “Features” section of your web account with your street address, and well get you up and running. You can easily update your address at any time through your web account.

Most of our customers (other than Wi-Fi and Softphone customers) have access to either basic 911 or Enhanced 911 (E911) service. With E911 service, when you dial 911, your telephone number and registered address is simultaneously sent to the local emergency center assigned to your location, and emergency operators have access to the information they need to send help and call you back, if necessary. Customers in locations where the emergency center is not equipped to receive your telephone number and address have basic 911. With basic 911, the local emergency operator answering the call will not have your call back number or your exact location, so you must be prepared to give them this information. Until you give the operator your phone number, he/she may not be able to call you back or dispatch help if the call is not completed or is not forwarded, is dropped or disconnected, or if you are unable to speak. As additional local emergency centers become capable of receiving our customer’s information, CIT will automatically upgrade customers with basic 911 to E911 service. CIT will not give you notice of the upgrade.

Certain customers do not have access to either basic 911 or E911. If you don’t have access to basic 911 or E911, your 911 call will be sent to the national emergency call center. A trained agent at the national emergency call center will ask for the name, telephone number and location of the customer calling 911, and then contact the local emergency center for such customer in order to send help. Examples of situations where 911 calls will be sent to the national emergency call center include when there is a problem validating a customers address, the customer is identified with an international location, or the customer is located in an area that is not covered by the landline 911 network. In addition, if you use a Wi-Fi or SoftPhone, due to the portable nature of these Devices, your 911 calls will be routed to the national emergency call center. Emergency personnel do not receive your phone number or physical location when your 911 call is routed to the national emergency call center.

You must register with CIT, the physical location where you will utilize CIT’s phone service (Service) for each phone line. Also note that if you move your device to another location, you must register your new location. If you do not register your new location, any 911 call you make may be sent to an emergency center near your old location. You will register your initial location of use when you subscribe to the Service. This process can take several hours, and you will receive a confirmation email once 911 Dialing has been activated for your initial location or for a newly registered location. Regardless of what address you register for a Wi-Fi or SoftPhone, emergency calls you make from these devices will be routed to the national emergency response center. Remember that our 911 Dialing service will not function in the event of a broadband or power outage or if your broadband, ISP or CIT’s phone service is terminated.

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